About ikamu

Hey there, I have my own website now! Well not really, it's just a neocities domain, I don't have money to buy a domain or anything like that... yet!

You probably wonder what's this all about, I don't usually promote this site as some kind of special place or anything, it's just a thing I made for fun.

Here's some quick answers for the most common questions people might have

Who are you, what’s your deal? Ikamusilence is the username I chose for talking about these particular topics on the internet. For a reason or another I ended up liking stretchy powers and characters using them a little too much, so I created an alternate identity that could let me be WEIRD about it, and have fun without exposing my much more normal friends and mutuals to it.

What is this site for? Archival of my different weird little ideas and things I’ve done over the years, maybe one day it’ll all be found by forces outside my knowledge, or perhaps by curious eyes in the future, I left it all here for them to analyze without giving too much away about who I really might be, and it’s all for fun being a postgraduate with web development interest and too much free time at my hands.

What’s with all the eyes? She's watching.